
Summer Plans

Hello everyone, in this blog I will talk about my summer plans. During summer I would like to be able to go to the beach to walk and lie down on the sand while I listen to the sound of the sea and also to be able to swim in the ocean, which is a lot of fun, although you have to be careful with the waves.  I would also like to go camping somewhere where there is a lake nearby so I can be surrounded by nature, make a fire at night and heat marshmallows, they are very tasty. I think it would be good to relax and be able to clear my mind, actually any other place that is not my home would be fantastic hahaha. This year has been very complicated because of the pandemic and being in quarantine so long, so I think we all need to change environments and clear our minds. If I end up going to any of these places, I would like to go with my boyfriend, my brother and some cousins. Last summer we all went to the beach together and had a great time. Finally, I would like to get together with some fr

My favorite Series

Hello everyone, in this blog I will talk about series. Some of my favorite series are "Atypical", “Las chicas del cable” and "This is us". "Atypical" is a series about an American family and the issues experienced by each member. I like this series because it's very funny and tender.  It's mainly about Sam’s life and the autism that he suffers and other topics such as matrical breakdown, personal identity, sexual orientation and personal growth. “Las chicas del cable” or "Cable Girls" is about a group of women who become close friends and confidants when they all meet while working at Spain’s first National Telephone Company (hence the title of the series). This is an amazing series and I like it because it's about feminism and women's empowerment. I am currently watching a series called "This is us" and it has clearly become one of my favorite series ever. "This is us" tells the story of a very unconventional

My future job

Hi everyone, this topic about my future job has helped me redefine my values and take a look at my career aims.  Obviously, I see myself working in the public system and I like that because that is why I am studying public administration. More specifically I would like to work in a decentralized public service in my region of origin and dealing with issues related to childhood, social development or gender concerns. In this sense, I would like to specialize in public policy management.  I imagine a job where I can relate to people and have direct contact with their needs. In general, the public administration offers indoor works and that makes me think of the traditional bureaucratic model, but I hope to be able to connect more with the communities and mobilize a little more.  The other day, talking to some friends, they told me about “Servicio País”, which is a program where you must serve in various cities in the country in order to eliminate territorial gaps and support the most vul

My favorite movie

Hello everyone, choosing a movie was a difficult decision because I don't have a favorite movie, I like a lot of them.  But in this blog I will talk about a movie that I liked a lot when I was a child. This movie is The Lion King, honestly I don't remember why I liked it a lot, but I remember that when I was five or six years old I watched it almost every day, I knew the dialogues and songs and my favorite character was the meerkat called "Timon". It has been many years since I last watched it, but since I watched it so many times I remember all the scenes and I think it is a very beautiful film, which shows the importance of family and friends. Besides, it deals in a very special way with the subject of the death of our loved ones. Finally, it tries to show us that our loved ones are always with us. The movies I like to watch now are of the kind of crime, drama and suspense. The last movie I watched is called "Pacto de Fuga". It's a Chilean movie about

The best concert ever!

Photo of that day taken by me Hi everyone, in this instance I will talk about the best concert that I've ever been to. It wasn’t an easy decision, but in the end I chose the concert of one of my favorite bands “Years and Years” that I went to at the beginning of 2019.  I really liked this concert, because in contrast with other concerts I‘ve been to, this was in the Teletón Theatre of Santiago, a place much smaller compared to the National Stadium or the Movistar Arena. So, the atmosphere was way friendlier, you could see how all the people enjoyed the music, they could see well and were comfortable. Besides, I was lucky enough to be in the front row, literally one or two meters away from the stage, so I could see the vocalist and the other members of the band very closely and, I don't know, it was fantastic.  Also, I went to this concert with Emilia, one of my best friends. We had been waiting a long time for the band to come to Chile, because being a small and not so famous b

What country would I like to visit?

Hi everyone, in this blog I will talk about France, one of the countries I would like to visit someday. Why France? I would like to go to France because it is a very interesting country. France has all the legacy of rebirth, its landscapes and architecture are beautiful, besides, it is very rich in culture and art.  Louvre Museum I would like to go to the city of Paris to see iconic places such as the Louvre Museum, the Eiffel Tower, the Notre Dame Cathedral and I would also like to go to Normandy which is a city historically important in the context of the Second World War, where one of the battles lasted almost three months. Also, in Normandy you can visit a castle located by the sea called Mont Saint-Michel.       Mont Saint - Michel  Maybe I would like to be able to live in France for a couple of years, because it is a country that I think is very well managed, it has high quality public services, and even universal services such as health. Also, it is a country that fights against